Financial Sustainability Project for the National System of Protected Areas


This is an initiative by the Ecuadorian Environmental Ministry, with technical assistance from the United Nations Program for Development and is financed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). The long term objective of the project is to better the financial sustainability of the National System of Protected areas so that it will provide development results through a healthy and sustainable environment.

In order to strengthen the actions made in favor of environmental conservation and of natural resource preservation, the Financial Sustainability Project for the “SNAP” seeks to make alliances with strategic public and private institutions and also with the civil society.

Among the institutions that make up the counterpart of this project are the National Corporation of Forests and Private Reserves of Ecuador (Coorporacion Nacional de Bosques y Reservas Privadas del Ecuador-CNBRPE), the International Conservation (Conservacion Internacional-CI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the National Environmental Fund (Fondo Ambiental Nacional- FAN). The latter one coordinates several projects of the Environmental Ministry such as: Physical Delimitation and Sustainable Tourism in the State Natural Heritage Areas, SNAP Support Program, Socio Bosque, REDD+ Project, among others. 

Pilot Protected Areas

The Financial Sustainability Project for the “SNAP”, intervenes in seven areas of the Natural Heritage Protected Areas of the State (Patrimonio de Areas Naturales Protegidas del Estado- PANE):

  • Yasuni National Park
  • Cayambe Coca National Park
  • Fauna Production Reserve Cuyabeno
  • Fauna Production Reserve Chimborazo
  • Ecological Reserve Los Ilinizas
  • Ecological Reserve Mache Chindul
  • Marine Reserve Galera San Francisco

Additionally, the Financial Sustainability Project cooperates through private reserves on the Northwest of Pichincha and in the La Tembladera wetland located in the Santa Rosa canton, El Oro Province. These reserves serve as models for the inclusion of private and community subsystems to the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP). These pilot areas have been selected based on extensive technical analysis to ensure that this experience can be replicated over time.

Four components that generate results

The Project focuses its efforts in four results:

  1. The development of a normative framework that facilitates the financial sustainability mechanisms for the Protected Areas.
  2. The strengthening of organizational and local capacities.
  3. The appreciation of the contributions of the Protected Areas to the state´s economy. 
  4. The implementation of successful business models in the Protected Areas.

For more information visit:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psfecuador

PSF´s Blog: www.psfecuador.com

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/psfecuador

National Corporation of Forests and Private Reserves of Ecuador: http://reservasprivadasecuador.com/reservas/

La Tembladera Wetland: http://latembladera-ecuador.com/tembladera
