National Biodiversity Strategy (Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversidad-ENB)


The National Biodiversity Strategy is a management tool that guides the efforts of the State to know, value, protect, restore and utilize in a sustainable manner its biodiversity. This responds to the international commitments and to the challenge of production model change, poverty eradication, and bio-cultural heritage conservation of the Ecuadorian people.

The National Biodivesity Strategy originates from the national planning framework and develops in greater depth the actions that must be implemented in the territories, to contribute to the innovation and systematic competiveness of the country.  It defines 20 results to which Ecuador is committed until the year 2030, as well as the milestones that it plans to reach until the year 2020.

These definitions originate from the national development framework and from the public sectorial and inter-sectorial policies established as part of the national participatory planning system. The ENB is managed by an inter-sectorial committee lead by the Environmental Ministry, and comprised by the Strategic Sectors Coordination Ministry, Human Resources and Knowledge Coordination Ministry, Finance Ministry and SENPLADES. 
