“Tri-national Initiative: Strengthening of the National Protected Natural Areas Systems in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru (IT)” Project


IT Project

The German Cooperation for Development, implemented by GIZ, through their “Tri-national Initiative: Strengthening of the National Protected Natural Areas Systems in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru (IT)” project and through the national authorities of the natural protected areas, provide support for the adaptation of the national systems of natural protected areas against climate change, in particular through the bettering of management and planning of the natural protected areas (Areas Naturales Protegidas- ANP), providing a net of exchange and of public knowledge applicable for taking decision regarding biodiversity conservation and with a greater appreciation of the ANP by public figures.

The project has a coordinating committee comprised by the heads of the Focal Points designated by each member country. The Focal Points are the Natural National Parks of Colombia (PNN), National Biodiversity Directorate of the Environmental Ministry of Ecuador (DNB-MAE), and the National Service of Natural State Protected Areas of Peru (SERNANP).

The project appeals to the systematic exchange and the collective learning to strengthen the national systems of protected areas of the three countries. It takes advantage of the experiences, knowledge and ideas of the countries of the region to develop technical and institutional synergies. The identification and articulation of allies, territories, and products at a national scale help create the basis for the regional exchange among countries. The competences developed at the regional scale are transferred and utilized at a national scale. This process is additionally enriched by applying local measures in selected sites and ecosystems.

The regional project seeks to implement concrete actions that aim to contribute to strengthening management of protected natural areas national systems for a better adaptation of the Natural Protected Areas against climate change. All the activities of the “IT” project are developed under three major components: Planning and Management of Protected Natural Areas, Knowledge generation and Research, Communication, Education and Public Awareness.

For more information visit: www.itiniciativatrinacional.info 
