Agreement IKIAM - MAE
This afternoon, Environment Minister Walter García and the Rector of the Regional Amazonian University (IKIAM), Jesús Ramos, signed an Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement with the objective of coordinating and articulating joint actions to optimize the management, control and administration of the Colonso Chalupas Biological Reserve.
The firm was held in the facilities of the Ministry of the Environment and had as Witness of Honor the Coordinating Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent, Andrés Arauz. Through the agreement, the authorities undertake to implement activities focused on the conservation of the protected area with respect to its protective, scientific, scenic, educational, tourist, recreational value, for its flora and fauna, and for the ecosystems that contribute to maintaining the environment.
Walter Garcia, Minister of Environment, said that "today is a key day, therefore, establishing cooperative links with the Regional Amazonian University IKIAM, will generate a positive impact on our knowledge of our biodiversity and based on this strategic resource, the Development of science, technology and innovation, which are fundamental pillars in the change to the productive matrix.