Happy Birthday Cerro Plateado Biological Reserve
There are places for isolation and difficult access have remained desconocidospor many years, but when studies are conducted, an amazing world is discovered. This is the case of the Cordillera del Condor: a large mountain range more than 160 kilometers long which is located in the south of the eastern region, between the provinces of Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe.
This mountain range protects Amazon cloud forests and even moors, which is part of the surprises has been keeping. In recent years, the Cordillera del Condor has aroused the interest of the world as a place of special significance for science and conservation, as most still remains unchanged and little explored. In order to protect these forests, the Ecuadorian government created four reserves along the Cordillera, each responsible for a different altitudinal range protect and preserve together the best of this place. There are three biological reserves: El Condor, Cerro El Quimi and Silver, and Wildlife Refuge: The Zarza. Added the four areas protect over 41,000 hectares of one of the least known areas of Ecuador.