Protected areas from Andes and Amazon regions are in normal function

The Ministry of Environment informs citizens that the Protected Areas of the Sierra and Amazon regions are open to the public, after the temporary preventively closure.

As a safety precaution the Protected Areas of the coastal region will be closed until further notice after the seismic events that affected especially to that region.

That Ministry will continue to report on time.

The protected areas that are in normal function:


El Ángel Ecological Reserve

Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve

Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve

Cayambe Coca National Park

Antisana Ecological Reserve

Pasochoa Wildlife Refuge

Ilinizas Ecological Reserve

Cotopaxi National Park

El Boliche National Recreation Area

Colonso Chalupas Biological Reserve

Llanganates National Park

Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve

Sangay National Park

Cajas National Park

Quimsacocha National Recreation Area

Podocarpus National Park

Yacuri National Park


Cofán Bermejo Ecological Reserve

Sumaco Napo-Galeras National Park

Cuyabeno Fauna Production Reserve

Limoncocha Biological Reserve

Yasuní National Park

El Cóndor Biological Reserve

El Quimi Biological Reserve

El Zarza Wildlife Refuge

Cerro Plateado Biological Reserve

Siete Iglesias Municipal Ecological Conservation Area